Arakan, Asi Zadeh Blvd, 202 St

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Our Experts

احمد شجاع الدینی
Speciality: متخصص طب کار
Area of Expertise: طب کار
Years of Practice: ۱۰ سال


The following documents are required for initial examinations.

  • Original and copy of duty card status card (end of service or exemption) for men and national card for women
  • Letter of introduction from the workplace
  • A new three in four photo
  • Observe at least 10 hours of fasting to perform the test

  • A piece of photo
  • Copy of ID
  • Copy of national card
  • Copy of duty system status card
  • Copy of driver's license
  • Letter of introduction from the association or regional road organization (for first time reference only)
  • If you have a history of diabetes (high blood sugar), report it at the time of referral so that the necessary tests can be performed at the same time as the basic tests.

12-14 hours for blood lipid test and fasting for blood sugar test

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